Detergent manufacturer in Bavaria
Cleaning chemistry for Bavaria
The largest state in Germany in terms of area combines unspoiled natural landscapes with the vibrant life of the cities: Bavaria. With an area of 70550 square kilometers, the Free State is larger than many a country in Europe. As the second most populous state, Bavaria is home to a total of 12.7 million people. Bavaria has transformed itself from an agricultural to a technology location. This means that the chemical sector is also important in order to remain economically strong in the future.
Whether it’s the imposing Neuschwanstein Castle, the world’s largest cathedral organ in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Passau, Oktoberfest, folk music or Bavarian traditional costumes: Bavaria stands out as the state with the most museums in Germany. The history is over 1000 years old and offers many treasures – including one or two UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Economically, logistics are of particular importance for a state like Bavaria, a quarter of which consists of forests. Outsourcing, the outsourcing of processes to external service providers, is significant. With a traditional company like Assindia, companies in Bavaria have a professional partner at their side. Assindia specializes in modern dropshipping, contract filling, contract manufacturing and contract blending , and logistics.
Bavaria has traditions and customs. The cleaning products manufacturer Assindia impresses as a traditional company with over 60 years of experience and twelve years of know-how in online sales. Assindia supports companies in filling, mixing or manufacturing cleaning and care products in viscous, liquid or powder form.
Contract Manufacturing Chemistry for Bavaria: Advantages through Assindia
Assindia has existed in North Rhine-Westphalia since 1957. With many years of knowledge as a detergent manufacturer, filler and in blending, there is a high level of competitive advantage in the chemical sector. We offer our customers reliable delivery reliability. In addition, our high quality of service will convince you.
In the field of contract manufacturing, we reliably ensure your desired product. We mix classic cleaning chemicals for Bavaria. In addition, as we offer contract manufacturers filling and manufacturing of powders, liquids and slightly viscous materials. In addition to standard products such as all-purpose cleaners or detergents, we also supply bulk goods in both small and special containers.
In Bavaria, you will benefit in any case by working with Assindia. You lack capacities to carry out the processes of manufacturing, mixing or filling? This is not a problem. Because at Assindia we offer modern machinery that supports our work. This means you have fewer fixed costs. Additional wage costs are also eliminated for you in Bavaria. In addition, you benefit from a fast processing time and a high quality of service.
To ensure that you are fully satisfied with our products, we provide an additional label service. Together with our private label service, we enable you to create individual packaging and products under your own name.
Contract filling service in Bavaria: Always the right container with Assindia
Our contract filling inspires: We convince with a high orientation to the customer with a competent service. With us you get a reliable contact for Bavaria. We support you in filling your products into ideal containers.
Our modern machinery enables us to fill both small and large quantities. We fill your products into bottles, canisters or IBC tanks. The capacity ranges from 500 milliliters to 1000 liters. Liquids, viscous materials, granulates or powders are no obstacles for us when filling.
Besides, we fulfill your wishes in filling products in cans, buckets, bags or sacks. Our service is completely and comprehensively based on the wishes and specifications of our customers.
Wage mix in Bavaria: competence and trust with Assindia
In addition to contract filling and contract manufacturing, we mix the right product for you in the field of chemical cleaning and care products for Bavaria. Our comprehensive range of services takes care of your needs – even when it comes to recipes. Because we reliably mix the cleaning chemical for you according to your recipe. Even without your own recipe, you are in good hands with us: Our recipe service ensures the ideal product for you.
At the traditional company Assindia you can get all cleaning products. We mix you all-purpose cleaners, maintenance cleaners, grill and glass cleaners, household cleaners and more. Whether bulk goods, fertilizers, pool cleaners or disinfectants: we comply with your specifications at all times – as a contract filler and as a contract manufacturer. Trust us and get the right mix for Bavaria.
Saved heating and storage costs
Use of our logistics
Adjustment of your fixed costs
Utilization optimization
More questions about our service? We are happy to help.
Our cities and states:
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Bonn
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Gelsenkirchen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Chemnitz
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Dresden
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Mannheim
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Düsseldorf
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Bochum
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Dortmund
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Essen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Bielefeld
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Köln
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Münster
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Leipzig
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Stuttgart
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller München
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Nürnberg
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Frankfurt
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Karlsruhe
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Aachen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Essen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller NRW
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Rheinland-Pfalz
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Bayern
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Saarland
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Hessen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Berlin
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Bremen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Hamburg
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Niedersachsen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Schleswig-Holstein
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Sachsen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Sachsen-Anhalt
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Brandenburg
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Thüringen
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Reinigungsmittel Hersteller Baden-Württemberg